Monthly Archives: July 2011

It’s Release Day for Cries from the Past…

I have a terrible headache, but I’m going to fight it to write this blog post. ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like this novella. I guess all authors have their favorites of their own works, and this is one of mine.

Cries from the Past, an Amish gothic romance novella, is being released today from Astraea Press.

Here’s a short excerpt from the novella. Enjoy, and check it out at the Astraea site… if you like a touch of darkness in your romances:

    So  much  for  all  your ideas.   She   wondered   about   his   wife,   his   family,   his   children.   A  twinge   of   jealousy   shot   through   her.   What   a   lucky   woman   his   wife  must   be.   Something   goaded   her   into   what   she   said   next,   and   she  wasn’t   sure   what.   โ€œI’m   sorry   for   keeping   you.   I   know   you   must  need   to   get   back   to   your   family,   or   your   work.โ€   Amity   looked   at her  hands,  flushing  but  waiting  for  his  response.
   โ€œThere’s   nothing   but   work   to   get   back   to.   My   wife   is   dead.
I’m  sure  you  already  know,  though.โ€

Buy Link:

On Vacations and Novel Settings

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged. I’m going to try to be more regular with my posts about writing and life in general. I enjoy interacting with readers of the blog and of gothic romance in general, so I hope you’ll comment away. If you want regular book reviews, of course, you can check out the Gothicked Blog.

I’m thinking about my vacation today. I spent a week in Ocean Pines, Maryland, a quiet, secluded spot with plenty of natural beauty.

I also enjoyed time on Assateague Island, home of the famous wild horses and went to Ocean City, Maryland for fun on the beach and boardwalk. To say I have been inspired would be an understatement. Maryland’s lush green landscape as well as the brisk Atlantic and the rich history of the area is enough to spark any imagination. I could practically see those sailors’ wives on the widow’s walks as we saw multi-million dollar homes from the comfort of the Assateague Explorer.

I had an opening chapter for a novel set in the area, and now I’ve added a bit more to my work in progress and general outline sketch. It sure was nice to have the holiday and today to rest and let ideas percolate in the brain.

Where are you vacationing this summer, and does it or has it inspired and rejuvenated you?